Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gilligan Cocktail

Day 45

4.5 shots out of 5

Another cocktail to give me a "theme" song in my head, just like the Ninja Turtle!  I'll need to go watch something on TV or read more of my book to get something else in my mind after I type my blog.

I gave tonight's cocktail 4.5 shots out of 5.  The Gilligan is an easy cocktail to drink.  It's not a super sweet syrupy cocktail at all.  The Malibu rum gives it a good coconutey taste while the banana liqueur puts a nice spin on the coconut.  I think I'm going to have to share the rest of my cocktail with my husband though because I gave him one sip and I got the "mmm, that's good" approval.  This banana liqueur is really surprising me!  It doesn't over power the cocktails that I've made with it so far, like the After Sex I made the other night.  It surprises me because I would just think that the banana flavor would kind of take over, but it just compliments what it's mixed with and gives only a subtle hint of banana, which is nice.

Here is the recipe for Gilligan:

  • 3/4 shot malibu rum
  • 3/4 shot light rum
  • 3/4 shot banana liqueur
  • 1 1/2 shots orange juice
  • 1 1/2 shots pineapple juice

In a shaker fill with ice, malibu rum, light rum, banana liqueur, orange juice and pineapple juice.  Shake it up really well to mix all of the ingredients up good.  Pour your entire mix into a tall glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cheers to Gilligan, The Skipper, The Millionaire,  Eunice, Ginger, Mary Ann and The Professor!

The Cocktail Lady 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Alien Urine Sample Drink

Day 44

Alien Urine Sample
5 shots out of 5

I am really enjoying this Alien Urine Sample!  Yes I said it, it's really good!!!  My bartenders book has some mighty interesting named cocktails, but boy are some of them really good!  This is a very very yummy cocktail that I will definitely be making again.  OK, is it too soon to make another one now?

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  This is a very refreshing cocktail and one that's fun to drink.  Alien Urine Sample has a good mix of a few different liqueurs that makes this cocktail super yummy.  The color of it can be a little intimidating (another neon colored cocktail like the Liquid Marijuana I made not too long ago), but boy is it good!!  If you have been enjoying the same cocktails that I have been so far, you'll definitely need to try this one!!

Here are the ingredients for Alien Urine Sample:

  • 1/2 shot coconut rum
  • 1/2 shot melon liqueur
  • 1/2 shot banana liqueur
  • 1/2 peach schnapps
  • 2 shots sweet & sour juice
  • soda water
  • 1/2 shot blue curaçao
In a shaker fill with ice and add coconut rum, melon liqueur, banana liqueur, peach schnapps and sweet & sour mix.  Shake it up really good to mix everything together.  Pour everything into a tall glass, add a splash of soda water and blue curaçao.  Enjoy!!!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cheers to Alien Urine Samples!!  This is the only kind of urine sample I believe I will ever try!!

The Cocktail Lady

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Liquid Valium Cocktail

Day 43

Liquid Valium
1.5 shots out of 5

Peppermint Schnapps scares me!!  It does, it just makes me automatically think that I WILL NOT like whatever cocktail I am drinking if i know there is peppermint schnapps in it.  I had bought a  bottle of peppermint schnapps the other day knowing that I would have to make some cocktails with it.  Today was a long day which ended in our oldest sons baseball  game, driving  through for dinner, getting everyone to bed and finally making tonight's cocktail, Liquid Valium.

I gave tonight's cocktail 1.5 shots out of 5.  I'm not a huge fan of peppermint schnapps (can you tell).  Um, WOW, that stuff is strong in flavor!  It kinda tastes like medicine to me.....not in a good way.  Not in the mmmm grape cough syrup kind of way, but in the I know this is good for me so I must suffer and take it kind of way.  It was a wee bit better then 1 shot so I gave it 1.5 shots......I just didn't think it deserved 1 shot and I refuse to break my "shot" rating down any further then .5's so 1.75 was out of the question.

Here is the recipe for Liquid Valium:

  • 1 shot vodka
  • 1/2 shot peppermint schnapps

Fill a short glass with ice, add vodka and peppermint schnapps.  Stir it up real good and you're done.  It's an easy cocktail to make.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

It will be some time before I try another peppermint schnapps cocktail.  I think I need to find one that has more ingredients in it to mask the pepperminty taste first.  Let me know if you have any good cocktails that have peppermint schnapps in them!!  Cheers!!

The Cocktail Lady

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

After Sex

Day 42

After Sex
5 shots out of 5

Guess what?!  I've got a new liqueur for you all to try, Banana Liqueur.  Can I just say, YUM!!  I remembered seeing a few cocktails with this liqueur in it so when I was at the store I bought a bottle.  I flipped through my Bartenders Black Book tonight and found this little yummy cocktail.

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 yummy shots out of 5!  After Sex is a simple cocktail to make and oh so yummy!  The banana taste is quite good!  This is a cocktail that you could drink quite quickly, which makes it a good/bad choice, depending on the night.  My husband and I are taking turns sipping this After Sex cocktail and I have a feeling a second one will be made here shortly.  This liqueur will defiantly be participating in my blog in the future!

On a side note, we just got a new "bar" to house all of the new alcohols, liqueurs and cocktail glasses I am buying!  WOW, I didn't realize how much stuff we had until I had to load it all into our bar.  

Here is the recipe for After Sex:

  • 1 1/2 shots vodka
  • 1/2 shot banana liqueur
  • 3 1/2 shots orange juice
  • 1/2 shot grenadine
In a shaker fill with ice, vodka, banana liqueur and orange juice.  Shake it up really good to get all the ingredients to mix up well.  Pour your cocktail into a hurricane glass and top with grenadine.  

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

I am having a blast writing this blog, I sure hope you are all enjoying reading it and maybe even trying some of these great cocktails!  Cheers!!

The Cocktail Lady

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chocolate Covered Pretzel

Day 41

Chocolate Covered Pretzel
3.5 shots out of 5

WOW, there's another new liqueur that I had never tried, Frangelico!  The bottle is the one that looks like the Mrs. Buttersworth Pancake Syrup bottle.  I've always wondered what it tasted like and tonight, thanks to Gloria, I was finally able to find out!

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  As you can see by my photo below, you need to salt the rim of your cocktail glass.......uh yea.......I salted it A BIT too much!  I am the person who orders my margaritas with NO salt, therefore I did not know how much salt to add to this glass, I figured it would look really neat with some extra salt.  Yea, extra salt for looks is one thing, it doesn't mean you should actually drink from it!  After making a squinched up face from my first salty sip, I wiped a section off and tried it again.  Not bad!!  I'm not sure that it tastes like a pretzel, but whatever the taste, it's pretty good!  The Frangelico does have a chocolat-ey taste to it which is nice.

Thank You Gloria for your suggestion to make the Chocolate Covered Pretzel!  Definitely a cocktail I never would have heard of if it wasn't for you!

Here is the recipe for the Chocolate Covered Pretzel:

  • 1 1/2 shots of whipped cream vodka
  • 1 1/2 shots Frangelico
In a shaker add ice, whipped cream vodka and Frangelico.  Shake up well to mix both ingredients.  Wet and salt rim of martini glass, then strain your cocktail into glass and enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cheers to you Gloria and to Chocolate Covered Pretzel cocktails!!

P.S. I'm digg'n the whipped cream vodka!!

The Cocktail Lady

Monday, March 26, 2012

Royal Flush Cocktail

Day 40

Royal Flush
2.5 shots out of 5

Who's up for a poker night?  Knowing I was going to make this cocktail tonight has made me in the mood for a poker night all day long!  Put the kids to bed, have some friends over and play some poker, accompanied by some yummy cocktails of course!

Until I took the photo of the ingredients tonight, I had thought that tonight's cocktail was named because of the "Crown Royal" in it. Not until I looked through my lens to take that shot, did I realize that both the Crown Royal and the Chambord are alcohol royalty.  If you notice on the Chambord bottle there's a little crown on it, so that makes them both royalty in my book.

I gave tonight's cocktail 2.5 shots out of 5.  I didn't hate it, but I'm not a big fan of whiskey.  Since this cocktail had a mixture of a couple different fruity sweet mixes in it, I was able to get past the whiskey and kind of enjoy the cocktail.  I have to be honest, when I started making this cocktail and saw that there was a shot and a half of the Crown Royal it made me nervous, but honestly the rest of the ingredients off-set it enough (not entirely, but enough to not make you make faces) to allow me to drink it.

Here is the recipe for a Royal Flush:

  • 1 1/2 shots Crown Royal
  • 1 shot peach schnapps
  • 1/2 shot Chambord
  • 1 shot cranberry juice
In a highball glass, fill it 3/4 to the top with ice.  Add your Crown Royal, peach schnapps, Chambord and cranberry juice.  Stir up your cocktail really really well and enjoy.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to a poker night in the near future!  Cheers!!

The Cocktail Lady

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ninja Turtle Cocktail

Day 39

Ninja Turtle
4.5 shots out of 5

Ding, Ding, Ding another winner!!  Thanks again Fire Wench!!  I had all of the ingredients for the Ninja Turtle, so I figured I'd give it a shot!  Yum!!

I have to admit that when I first started straining this cocktail into my glass I got a little scared.....because of it's neon-ey green color.  I have to say, do NOT let the color fool you!  This is a good cocktail!!  It kind of has a creamy taste/after-taste.  It's kind of weird that it has that because you're not expecting it at all, but it's definitely weird in a GOOD way!

I gave tonight's cocktail 4.5 shots out of 5.  The Ninja Turtle is even husband approved!  I have to admit that ever since I decided that I was going to make it tonight, I have been singing the theme song to "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" over and over again in my head!  And now I will say "You're Welcome", because I'm sure about 90% of you are now singing that song as well!

Here is the recipe for the Ninja Turtle:

  • 1 shot Malibu rum
  • 1 shot melon liqueur
  • 1 shot pineapple juice
In a shaker add ice, Malibu rum, melon liqueur and pineapple juice.  Shake it up well so that all of the ingredients mix up good.  Strain it into bud vase if you have one (like mine pictured below), or even a martini glass and enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

To those of you who used to watch the cartoon, have seen the movies or just know who the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are, Cheers to you!!

The Cocktail Lady

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Liquid Marijuana Cocktail

Day 38

Liquid Marijuana
5 shots out of 5

OK, so I've seen this cocktail ALL OVER Pinterest and I just had to try it!  One of my best friends has been asking me to making this one as well, so here it is!!  Can I just say YUMMY!!!!  Here's to  learning yet another thing about cocktails.........I actually like sweet & sour mix!  I guess I was scared of sweet & sour mix because it reminded me of regular margaritas.....which in turn reminded me of....<gags> tequila!!  Yes, yes, I do know that I will have to make cocktails with tequila in them, and because of that I have to admit that I DID purchase a bottle of it today.  

Tequila and I had a face off about 15 years ago, and I am ashamed to admit..... tequila won.  It has made me NOT like it and run from it's smell for the past 15 years.  There has been an occasion or 5 where I got up enough courage to have a shot of it again since that horrible night.....but I never drank NEARLY as much of it as I did that one night 15 years ago.  Yes......yes, I did have one night about 4 years ago where I was a little off and had a few shots of the stuff......that night didn't end well either.

Anyways, I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  I am enjoying this cocktail a lot!  The sweet & sour mix is really giving it a surprisingly good taste!  I have a feeling that this cocktail will be requested at our next friend gathering.  I recommend you try this cocktail and I really hope you like it as much as, or even half as much as I do!

Here is the recipe for Liquid Marijuana:

  • 1/2 shot Malibu Rum
  • 1/2 light rum
  • 1/2 shot blue curaçao (this time it makes the cocktail good, haha)
  • 1/2 shot apple pucker
  • 2 1/2 shots sweet & sour mix
  • 2 1/2 shots pineapple juice
In a tall glass fill it up 3/4 to the top with ice.  Pour in your Malibu Rum, light rum, blue curaçao, apple pucker, sweet & sour mix and pineapple juice.  Stir it up really good and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cheers to the bartender that created this delicious cocktail!!

The Cocktail Lady

Friday, March 23, 2012

Blue Duck Cocktail

Day 37

Blue Duck
1....0 shots out of 5

HOLY MOLY this cocktail is HORRIBLE!!  Absolutely horrible!!  The first thing I thought when I tasted it was that it reminded me of some nasty stuff they used to use in the dentist office.  I don't even know how to describe tonight's cocktail except say, if anyone EVER offers you a Blue Duck, slap them across the face and run for your life!!!!

This drink is bleh.  Oh my goodness!  Like I said when I made my Silk Panties cocktail and I listed 8 things that I have learned so far by creating this blog, ""blue caraçao doesn't make "every" cocktail taste good such as in the Into The Blue cocktail"", well the same thing can be said about tonight's cocktail.  Just because it's blue doesn't for one second mean that it tastes all!!  Yikes, I feel like gargling with salt water.  Anyways, I would HIGHLY recommend that you do NOT try tonight's cocktail.......ever.

Here is the recipe (but don't ever use it) for a Blue Duck:

  • 2 shots vanilla vodka
  • 1 shot blue curaçao
  • a dash of Chambord
In a shaker (again, never make this cocktail) add ice, vodka and blue curaçao and shake it (or pour it down the sink) until the two are blended and cold.  In a martini glass, strain your cocktail and float your chambord on the top of your cocktail.  If you look closely at the photo below, you'll see that I "tried" to float my chambord on top, but all it did was sink to the bottom.  The very bottom of my martini glass has a little bit of a purpley/marooney looking color to it.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

I'm sooo glad none of my readers sent me this recipe, because I would feel real bad if they had and had raved about how good it is and how it's their favorite cocktail.

Cheers to tomorrow night being a million times the cocktail department!!

The Cocktail Lady

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sex On The Sidewalk

Day 36

Sex On The Sidewalk
3.5 shots out of 5

Tonight's cocktail idea I received from a reader, FireWench.  I am thoroughly enjoying receiving everyone's emails and cocktail suggestions.  I have a couple more good suggestions in my inbox that I am excited to try out in the night's to come!

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  This is a cocktail that I can definitely enjoy.  It is another cocktail that has Chambord in it, very exciting!  Tonight's cocktail is not a fruity cocktail, nor is it one that tastes like alcohol, it's simply a cocktail to enjoy.  Thank You FireWench for tonight's suggestion!  Tonight's cocktail has a flavor to it that I have never had before (well obviously you're thinking, since I've never drank it before).  What I mean by that is that some cocktails you can say, "You know that sort of tastes like a vodka cran, but with lime" or something like that, well tonight's cocktail I can honestly not say that it tastes like any cocktail I've ever had before.  It's got a taste all of it's own!

Here is the recipe for Sex On The Sidewalk:

  • 1 shot vodka
  • 1/2 shot Melon Liqueur
  • 1/2 Chambord (Black Raspberry Liqueur)
  • 3 shots cranberry juice
In a shaker add ice, vodka, melon liqueur, chambord and cranberry juice.  Shake well to mix and chill your cocktail.  In a tall glass filled with ice, strain your cocktail into it and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Thank You again for tonight's suggestion FireWench!!  Cheers to you!!

The Cocktail Lady

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

French Martini

Day 35

French Martini
4.5 shots out of 5

Ooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!  I like this one!!  I was at Safeway tonight buying a "quick" dinner for my family and decided to take a trip down the alcohol isle.  Up on the top shelf I found a bottle of Chambord and just had to buy it!  I have a few cocktails that I want to make that have Black Raspberry Liqueur as one of the ingredients, so this was a no-brainer buy.

On the little tag that comes on the bottle was a recipe for tonight's cocktail the French Martini, which I gave 4.5 shots out of 5 to.  WOW, the Chambord really gives this cocktail a different taste and I LIKE IT!!!!  The foam that sits on top is a nice treat too.  I keep on taking sips expecting to all of the sudden shutter and not like it (not quite sure why?), but I am continuing to really enjoy this cocktail!  I have a feeling that you will be seeing a few more cocktails with Chambord in it in the future.

Here's the recipe for tonight's cocktail:

  • 1 1/2 shots vodka
  • 1/2 shot Chambord
  • 2 shots pineapple juice
In a shaker, add ice, vodka, Chambord and pineapple juice.  Shake it up really well to get that foamy top.  Strain your cocktail into a martini glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to Chambord and their yummy Black Raspberry Liqueur!


The Cocktail Lady

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Georgia Peach Cocktail

Day 34

Georgia Peach
5 shots out of 5

I did it!!  OK, so what did I do?  Well I found the recipe for a Georgia Peach in my bartenders book as well as tons of different ones online.  In all of the confusion, I tried the one in my bartenders book......thought it was ok, and amended it just a little.  My product, something that actually does taste like a peach AND it's yummy!!!!

This cocktail makes me want it to be summer already!  What a refreshing cocktail!  If ever you're in the mood for a cocktail, but don't want it to be too alcoholy or have that vodkaey taste to it, reach for a Georgia Peach!  I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5 because it's light, refreshing and it has that "Oh Yea, I forgot how yummy peaches are" taste to it!

Here is the recipe for the Georgia Peach:

  • 1 shot peach schnapps
  • 1 1/2 shots cranberry juice
  • 1/2 shot orange juice

Fill a highball glass 3/4 the way to the top with ice.  Add the peach schnaps, cranberry juice and orange juice.  Stir up your cocktail, sit back and enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Mmmmm, hope you all enjoy this one as much as I am!!  


The Cocktail Lady

Monday, March 19, 2012

Toasted Almond

Day 33

Toasted Almond
4 shots out of 5

WOW, I have received quite a few YUMMY sounding cocktail recipes from some of my readers, THANK YOU!!  I need to buy a couple more items to make some of them, but I did have all of the ingredients to make tonight's cocktail, the Toasted Almond!  Thank You to Jenny for the request!  You remembered 2 of the 3 ingredients, great job!!

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5, I am enjoying it as I type!  This is a creamy cocktail for those of you who enjoy a more creamier drink.  It actually works perfectly for me tonight, as I had a BIG weekend celebrating a good friends birthday, and let me tell you The Cocktail Lady had a few too many cocktails!  Therefore this cocktail is a nice calm, not to alcoholy tasting drink that works well when your tummy isn't "quite" settled yet, haha.

Again, thank you Jenny for your cocktail idea!  I hope you try it again one day!

Here is the recipe for the Toasted Almond:

  • 1 shot amaretto liqueur
  • 1 shot kahlua
  • 1 shot cream
In a highball glass add ice about 3/4 to the top.  Pour in your amaretto liqueur, kahlua and cream and give it a good stir.  Enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to creamier cocktails on a queezy tummy!!


The Cocktail Lady

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunburnt Breeze

Day 32

Sun Burnt Breeze
5 shots out of 5

Two night's ago I made a Carribean Breeze which I enjoyed......but it made me think, maybe if I add something else to it I could make that 4 shots out of 5 a solid 5.  Did it!  I added some cranberry juice and grenadine and it gave it enough of a different taste that I really liked it!  Melanie, if you are reading this blog, try tonight's cocktail and let me know what you think whether you love it, hate it or just think it's ok, I'd love to hear it!

I had a friend over tonight who thought this cocktail was VERY good as well, so I may have given her a new cocktail to start ordering!  Myself included in that one actually.  I'm curious to see if I add different juices to the mix or flavoring how many different, good, combinations I can come up with to try.

If you are enjoying the cocktails I'm enjoying, I would definitely give tonight's cocktail the Sun Burnt Breeze a try, I think you'll like it!

Here is the recipe for the Sunburnt Breeze:

  • 1 1/2 shots vanilla vodka
  • 3/4 shot Malibu Rum
  • 2 shots pineapple juice
  • 1 shot cranberry juice 
  • 1/4 shot grenadine
In a shaker with no ice add your vodka, rum, pineapple juice, cranberry juice and grenadine.  Stir it up real well with your bar spoon.  Pour your cocktail into a hurricane glass filled 3/4 with crushed ice and enjoy!  Hope you like it as much as I did!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

As always, send me your favorite cocktail recipes you'd like me to try!  Cheers!!

The Cocktail Lady

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Irish Headlock Cocktail

Day 31

Irish Headlock
2 shots out of 5

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all!!  Hope you remembered to wear your green today!  Since it is an Irish holiday today, I figured that I should honor that and make an Irish cocktail!  There were quite a few to choose from and finally I decided on the Irish Headlock.  

I gave tonight's cocktail 2 shots out of 5, which I know most likely upsets my husband because he really liked it.  I don't really have a liking for whiskey.......sorry.  I keep sipping it and trying to like it, but it's just......I can't do it.  When I start to take a sip the baileys is the first thing I taste, so I think, hey, maybe I'm used to the flavor now and will like it...........NOPE THERE'S THE WHISKEY FLAVOR!!  

Tonight's cocktail makes me make squinchy faces.  Maybe by the end of this year of cocktails I'll be used to the flavor of whiskey?  I mean I'm "starting" to tolerate gin now.......yea we'll just have to wait and see on that one.

Here is the recipe for the Irish Headlock:

  • 1/2 shot Irish Whiskey
  • 1/2 shot Irish Cream (such as Baileys)
  • 1/2 shot Brandy (I used cognac)
  • 1/2 shot Amaretto
In a shaker add ice, Irish Whiskey, Irish Cream, Brandy and Amaretto.  Shake your cocktail real well to mix it up real good.  Strain your cocktail into a frosted highball glass and if you enjoy whiskey........enjoy!  

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cheers to Saint Patrick's Day!  Hope you all enjoy your evening!!

The Cocktail Lady