Silk Panties AKA Woo Woo
2 out of 5
Here we are at the end of week 3. I've learned a few things in these last 3 weeks.
- Gin isn't as bad as I thought
- The color of sweet vermouth scared me more then the taste of it
- Grapefruit juice in cocktails is pretty darn good....especially in a Sea Breeze
- I am no longer a vodka cran or rum & coke girl
- blue caraçuo doesn't make "every" cocktail taste good, such as the Into The Blue
- cream of coconut IS quite tasty
- I enjoy blended cocktails A LOT
- I am enjoying this blog more then I thought I would!
That being said, lets get onto tonight's cocktail. I gave tonight's cocktail 2 shots out of 5 because although it's a sweet's a bit much. I mixed this cocktail up, strained it into it's glass and smelled it before I tasted it. The smell was great!! I couldn't wait to try it.......then I did......not a whole lot of flavor. All I'm left with is thick saliva. Thrillsville.
The more sips I take, the less I like tonight's cocktail. I think I would have put less peach schnapps in and more cranberry juice. That would have at least made it less sweet. OK, this last sip is now making my mouth feel/taste like I just took a dose of cough medicine. OK, yuck!!
Here is the recipe for Silk Panties AKA Woo Woo:
- 3/4 shot vodka
- 3/4 shot peach schnapps
- 1 shot cranberry juice
Put ice into your shaker. Add the vodka, peach schnapps and cranberry juice. Stir your mixture up really well. Strain your cocktail into a chilled cocktail glass.
Here is a photo of the end result:
(My cocktail looked a little lighter then its coming out in my photo, but maybe it has something to do with the glass being frosted in the photo and not now?)
Here is a photo of the ingredients:
Well peach schnapps, next time we meet.......I hope it's under better circumstances!!
The Cocktail Lady
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