Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Cocktail

Day 14

Leap Year Cocktail
3 shots out of 5

Happy Leap Year Day!!  In honor of tonight's holiday (not sure if you call it a holiday or not)  I found a cocktail that fits the day, Leap Year!  14 days into my 365 days of cocktails!  That's the 2 week mark.  How fun!!  Now wait a minute......Leap Year?  That would make this a blog of 366 cocktails now wouldn't it!  Oh yeay, one more day to find a new and different cocktail!  

To my utmost and utter surprise, I give tonight's cocktail 3 shots out of 5.  Why am I THAT surprised?  GIN!  Aaahhhh, gin!  The mere smell of it makes my nose squwinch up.  Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of gin.  I must say, if I was a big fan I would really like tonight's cocktail!  My husband likes gin and he likes tonight's cocktail.  For a non-gin liker, I have to say that I am honestly going to finish this entire cocktail.

Along with the gin, this is my first time ever having vermouth (sweet, dry or extra dry).  Vermouth reminds me of my mom, because she enjoys her manhattans which are the same color as tonight's cocktail thanks in part to the vermouth.

Here is the recipe for the Leap Year:

  • 2 shots gin
  • 1/2 shot sweet vermouth
  • 1/2 shot Grand Marnier
  • 1/4 shot lemon juice
Put ice into a shaker and add the gin, sweet vermouth, Grand Marnier and lemon juice.  Stir it up real good!  Strain it into a chilled cocktail glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end result:

Tonight I've learned that gin is ok, and there is a possibility that I could sort of like it.

Cheers to gin!!

The Cocktail Lady

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Into The Blue

Day 13

Into The Blue
1 shot out of 5

Sounds like a fun drink.  Into The Blue.  Blue cocktails are fun to drink, right?  Well if you're talk'n Blue Hawaiian then you'd be right!  This cocktail has the taste of what I was afraid grapefruit drinks would taste like, yuck!  Tonight's cocktail is the reason I was scared to try them and I have to say that I'm glad that I tried the Sea Breeze first, because I REALLY liked that one!!

I tried tonight's cocktail along with my husband and our neighbors.........survey all agreed XXX.  None of us enjoyed this cocktail.  I hate to tell you all how bad some of these cocktails are, but I feel if I wasn't honest about it and you tried it and hated it, then you'd in turn hate me.  I couldn't have that!  So if you're following me and have enjoyed what I've enjoyed, then don't try tonight's cocktail.  But if you're feeling adventurous and have the ingredients at home (don't go out to buy them if you don't) and want to try it, then by all means go ahead but let me know what you think.

I gave tonight's cocktail 1 shot out of 5.  The mix of ingredients was not a good one.  It's sad that my new found love of grapefruit juice can have a bad outcome, but I guess every mix has a bad day right?

Here is the recipe for Into The Blue:

  • 1 shot light rum
  • 1/2 shot of Blue Curaçao
  • 1 1/2 shots of grapefruit juice
  • club soda to top it off with

Put ice into a shaker and add the rum, blue curaçao and grapefruit juice.  Using a bar spoon stir it up real good.  Pour the cocktail including the ice into a highball glass and top it off with club soda.

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here's to tomorrow night's cocktail being better then tonight's!!

The Cocktail Lady

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chi Chi

Day 12

Steph's Chi Chi Cocktail
5 shots out of 5

I'm naming tonight's drink after a good friend of mine that suggested I make it tonight.  She said that she had first tried a Chi Chi while she was in Hawaii and wanted to have one again.  Therefore tonight's cocktail is a Chi Chi, thanks to Steph.

I am really enjoying this Chi Chi!  It's super refreshing and fun to drink.  I am totally digging blended drinks now too.  I only used to think of margaritas as blended drinks, not anymore!  All of these fun blended drinks almost make me want to have a blended cocktail party, hmmm, not a bad idea.

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5!  I honestly didn't think I'd be giving another drink that many shots for quite some time, so Thank You Steph for introducing me to the second 5 shot worthy cocktail for my 365 day challenge!  Now I need to run a couple Chi Chi's down the street for you guys to enjoy.

Here is the reciepe for a Chi Chi:

  • 1 1/2 shots of vodka
  • 4 shots of pineapple juice
  • 1 shot of cream of coconut

Pour all of the ingredients into a blender and add a cup of ice.  Blend all ingredients until the ice is completely broken down and there are no ice chunks.  Pour into a red wine glass and enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end result:

I hope you try tonight's cocktail and enjoy it as much as I did!!

Until Tomorrow!

The Cocktail Lady

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mai Tai

Day 11

Mai Tai
3 shots out of 5

Tonight's cocktail of choice is a Mai Tai, another cocktail that I have never had before.  When searching for a recipe for the Mai Tai, I ran into may different versions of it.  I then found out that the original Mai Tai did not have any pineapple, orange or guava juice in it.  Apparently the Mai Tai is a rum based drink and not a fruity drink, but somewhere down the line someone added the 3 juices to the cocktail and named it the Maui Mai Tai.  I think I might try that version another time, either in this blog of 365 cocktails or just on my own depending on how many different cocktails I create for this blog.

Well I sure did say it, this is definitely a rum drink!  WOW.  The first sip was quite limey, then I stirred in the Myers Rum that I had floated on top and WOWZERS, holy rum Batman!  After a few sips you get used to it and it actually becomes pretty enjoyable.  This is definitely a stronger drink then some of the others I've made in my 11 days.

Here is the recipe for a Mai Tai:

  • 2 shots rum
  • 1/2 shot cointreau
  • 1 shot lime juice
  • 1/2 shot orgeat
  • 1/4 shot simple syrup
  • a dash of grenadine
  • dark rum

Fill 1/3 of the shaker with ice.  Add all of the ingredients except for the dark rum and shake it up good.  Fill up your glass with crushed ice and strain the drink into your glass from the shaker.  Here's the trick, you need to float a small layer of dark rum on top of the Mai Tai.  Take your bar spoon, turn it so that the back of the spoon is facing up then tilt it so that the bottom tip of your spoon is just a little below the surface of your drink.  Basically you don't want to have the dark rum drip into your drink, which would make it sink into the Mai Tai.  Slowly pour the dark rum on the back of the spoon so that it slowly makes a layer on top of your cocktail.  We stuck a straw in it  to drink from the bottom for a few sips then ended up stirring in the dark rum and finishing it off that way.

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end result:

All in all, the Mai Tai was enjoyable.  I am honestly having a blast making all of these different cocktails and trying them out.  I hope you are enjoying some of them at home as well.  If you have any different cocktails that are your absolute favorites or some that you've heard of and want me to try, send me and email at and your cocktail may be featured as one of my 365 cocktails.


The Cocktail Lady

Piña Colada

Day 10

Piña Colada Cocktail
4 shots out of 5

Well look at that, we're in double digits!  Tonight's cocktail is the Piña Colada.  Now I must say that I've always been secretly scared of the Piña Colada, reason has coconut in it (or coconut flavoring I should say).  When I had made the Blue Hawaiian and declared my love for it, my husband raised an eyebrow at me (if you know him you know how his raised eyebrow can make a room stand still) and asked "You know that has a coconut flavor right?".  This was the same reason I was surprised at how much I liked it.  I know I don't like to eat coconut, but I have eaten things in my past that have had a faint coconut flavor to them and thought they tasted pretty good.  Since the Blue Hawaiian was a huge hit with me, I figured that the Piña Colada shouldn't be that much different.  I was right!

The two cocktails I've mentioned do have some of the same ingredients in them, but there is enough of a difference to where I can honestly say that I like the Blue Hawaiian a bit more then the Piña Colada.  The only thing that slightly bothers me is the fact that as my cocktail sits here as I sip and blog about it (I'm thinking the cream is what is making this happen) my Piña Colada starts to get a thicker layer on top.  I can give it a good swirling and it "mostly" blends itself back together, but I just felt I needed to mention that.

I gave my Piña Colada 4 shots out of 5 because I truly am enjoying it and would defiantly order it at a bar if I was in the mood for a blended drink.  This is yet another cocktail I could drink by the pool or on a hot summer day while soaking up the sun.  I would recommend this drink if you enjoyed the Blue Hawaiian absolutely.

Here is the recipe for a blended Piña Colada:

  • 2 shots of golden rum
  • 1 shot of coconut cream
  • 1/2 shot of cream
  • 1 shot of pineapple juice

Pour all of the above items into your blender.  Add a good handful of crushed ice and blend until the ice is no longer in pieces.  Pour into your glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end result:

On a side note, I have to say that we went out to dinner last night and I was VERY proud of myself when I ordered a Sea Breeze!!  Nope, not a vodka cran or a rum & coke, a SEA BREEZE!!  I do have to add that I make a MUCH better Sea Breeze then the bartender at the restaurant though.  

Cheers to Day 10!

The Cocktail Lady

Friday, February 24, 2012

Barbie Cocktail

Day 9-updated

2 shots out of 5

For those of you who are pinners (my pinterest term for all of us that pin, haha) on Pinterest, you've all seen the ah-maze-ing photos of some of these cocktails, food items, clothes........the list goes on and on.  Well I along with many of you assume that these photos (for the most part) are totally legit.......I mean, why wouldn't they be, right?  That opens up the doorway for tonight's cocktail, a Barbie Cocktail.

On Pinterest there was this beautiful photo of this drink that was called Barbie Cocktail, I knew I had to eventually try it!

WOW, what an amazing looking drink!  That color is amazing too.  So I decided to try it out for Day 9 of my year of cocktails.....actually a friend of mine had asked if I'd do it sooner then later please, so I decided to do as she asked and do it now while it's still fresh on all of the pinners  minds.  I checked out the ingredients and couldn't figure out how on Earth they got it to be that color of a neon pink......but hoped that I'd make it and it would magically become the amazing color I saw in the photo.   Oh and check out those...bubbles??  Wait a minute.......  

Here is the recipe for a Barbie cocktail:

  • 1 shot Malibu rum
  • 1 shot vodka
  • 1 shot cranberry juice
  • 1 shot orange juice

In a shaker put add about 6 ice cubes (oh no I'm becoming more like my husband as I don't give you an exact amount of ice cubes to put in!), Malibu rum, vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice.  Give it a good shaking and then pour it into your glass through the strainer in your shaker, and...........enjoy?  or not.

As you can see I gave tonight's cocktail 2 shots out of 5.  I was feeling generous.  In my honest opinion, the fact that you put the same about of Malibu rum as vodka into this cocktail makes me raise my eyebrow (The Rock-style).  

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

You be the judge of what you see here and on other websites.  Don't always believe what you see, hear, etc.  Thank you for pulling up a bar stool for my first week plus a couple days of my Year of Cocktails!!  See you tomorrow!!

Cheers to Barbie!

The Cocktail Lady


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blue Hawaiian Cocktail

Day 8

5 shots out of 5

Why have I not tried this cocktail before??  I have absolutely found my new favorite blended drink, EVER!!  The only time I've ever heard of this cocktail before was years ago when I went to Hawaii with a group of friends and one of the guys from our group had ordered.....well I guess a few Blue Hawaiian's because when we found him at one of the bars he was quite red in the face, singing karaoke.  I never got to try it, but I did remember that his drink was quite blue.

This is a simple cocktail to make.  I know there are non-blended versions of this drink, but I went with the blended one instead.  GREAT choice on my part!!  This is a total cocktail I could see myself drinking poolside as well as hanging out at the house with a group of friends.  I have a feeling after typing up this blog that that's exactly what I'll be doing at the next get together here.

I have discovered in my 8 days of writing this blog, that I am more of a Rum Cocktail Lady, then a Vodka Cocktail Lady.  If you would have asked me before writing this blog which one I preferred, I would have told you vodka hands down.  Yea, not anymore!  I even prefer my rum Drunken Gummy Bears over my vodka Drunken Gummy Bears (recipe is on my "Other Fun Stuff To Try" tab).

I have given tonight's drink 5 shots out of 5, but am seriously considering giving it 8!  I hope you try tonight's cocktail and love it!  

Here is the recipe for a blended Blue Hawaiian:

  • 1 shot light rum
  • 1/2 shot blue Curaçao
  • 2 shots pineapple juice
  • 1 shot cream of coconut

Crush up a good handful of ice and then put it into the blender.  Add the rum, blue curaçao, pineapple juice and cream of coconut.  Blend the ingredients together until your ice is completely broken down.  If you do not blend it enough, your ice will become a little crunchy and you don't want to eat your Blue Hawaiian, trust me!  Once the ice is blended in all you have left to do is pour and ENJOY!!  I sure know I did my husband and our neighbors!!

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end result:

I sure hope you enjoy this cocktail as much as I did!!

The Cocktail Lady

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Washington Apple Cocktail

Day 7

Washington Apple Cocktail
2.5 shots out of 5

In honor of our very first President of the United States, I dedicate tonight's cocktail to President George Washington.  Tonight's cocktail is the Washington Apple!  The first time I had ever heard of this drink was when I turned 30 and my husband, friends and I went to a club to celebrate.  The bartender gave us a round of shots, in them was what he called a Washington Apple.  Not having any idea of what it was made of, I opened the hatch and shot it down with everyone else.  Honestly I don't remember liking it that much at all.  When I decided to honor President Washington tonight, I searched for a Washington themed cocktail and continuously stumbled across this same drink over and over again and decided to give it one more try.

I have to say that this time around, I am liking it a bit more.  I honestly was a little scared when I saw that you add equal amounts of all ingredients.......including the apple pucker, but sucked it up and made it anyways.

This drink isn't half bad.  I didn't want to give it 2 shots out of 5 because I thought it deserved more.......but on the other hand, I didn't think it deserved 3 shots either.  Therefore 2.5 shots out of 5 it is!  The taste surprised me, I was expecting to not like it at all and to be forced to make faces with each and every sip.  So faces!  The amounts of each ingredient are right on, I think if you would have increased or decreased any of them, it would not be enjoyable at all.

So in my BEST Marilyn Monroe voice, "Happy Birthday Mr. President, Happy Birthday To You!!"

Here is the recipe for the Washington Apple cocktail:

  • 1 shot Crown Royal
  • 1 shot Sour Apple Pucker
  • 1 shot cranberry juice

In a highball glass filled with ice add your Crown Royal, sour apple pucker and cranberry juice.  Stir them all together and enjoy!  Another easily made cocktail!

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end product:


The Cocktail Lady

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Red Rooster

Day 6

2 shots out of 5

Tonight's drink in honor of New Orleans Fat Tuesday is a Red Rooster.  One of my goals is to honor as many Holidays, States, Countries and Famous People as I can in my 365 days.  Tonight is my very first cocktail in doing so.  Tomorrow night will be my second, so stay tuned!!  If you know of a popular cocktail that a holiday, state, country or famous person (will be honored on their birthday) is known for and you also know its recipe, please send it in to me at and you may find it featured as one of my 365 cocktails!

You may ask why I chose the Red Rooster out of the many Fat Tuesday cocktails out there.  The honest answer is, it was more or less one of the only Fat Tuesday cocktails that I could find that I already had all of the ingredients for at home.  Today was a non-stop busy day here for me, so I didn't get a chance to plan out tonight's drink or run to the store to purchase any ingredients I didn't already have.  

I gave tonight's cocktail 2 shots out of 5.  I wasn't entirely impressed with its taste.  I have a feeling the amount of ice that goes into the glass was a factor in me not being impressed with it.  It's a super easy drink to make which is a plus, but I'd rather make something with twice as many ingredients and like it, then make this one and not really care to finish it.

Here's the recipe for a Red Rooster:

  • 2 shots vodka
  • 4 shots cranberry
  • 1/2 shot orange juice (yes just a 1/2.....odd)

Fill a tall glass up with ice.  In the glass I used, I filled it up to about a good inch and a half from the top.  Reason being, I wouldn't be able to stir all of the ingredients up if it was filled completely to the top with ice.  If I would have used a different glass, like my Husbands Hurricane I would have been able to fill it a bit higher.  Next you add the vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice.  Finally you simply stir it up and you're done.  

Now as you know all I "used" to drink was vodka crans, rum & cokes or beer.  I have to say, after only 6 days.....I no longer want to drink those cocktails.  Especially after drinking tonight's cocktail which was more or less a vodka cran, not including the 1/2 shot of orange juice.

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is a photo of the end result:

Happy Fat Tuesday!

The Cocktail Lady

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sea Breeze

Day 5

Sea Breeze
4 shots out of 5

Welcome back for our 5th cocktail of the year........only 360 more to go!  Today was a looong day and so I wanted to make a drink that was bright and fruity and hopefully refreshing to end my evening.  I looked through one of my books of cocktails and found a very yummy looking picture of a drink and decided to make it tonight's drink.  Allow me to introduce you to tonight's cocktail of the evening, a Sea Breeze.  Now I have to admit that I've never ever had grapefruit juice in an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink before...ever.  I think my fear of mixing it in was that it would be too sour and I would not like the taste at all.  I WAS WRONG!!!!  I am really enjoying this cocktail.  It's actually a really refreshing drink, and I could defiantly see myself ordering a second one if I was out at a bar or club.

I have to say that my drink looks a different color then the one in my cocktail book.........which I'm assuming is because they just might photo shop their photos, where I don't because I want you to see exactly how these drinks look after I make them.  

This is another simple drink to make and I think I just might make it at our next party for everyone to try.  I gave the Sea Breeze 4 shots out of 5 because it looked delicious but was surprisingly even more delicious then it looked.  This cocktail makes me want to look for more cocktails that have grapefruit juice as one of their main mixes.

Here's the recipe for a Breeze:

  • 1 shot of vodka
  • 1 1/2 shots of cranberry juice
  • 1 1/2 shots of grapefruit juice
  • 5 crushed ice cubes

To make your Sea Breeze you will need to crush up your ice in a zip lock like I did for my Black Russian last night.  Basically put the ice cubes in a zip lock and break them up with a mallet or something similar.  Put your crushed ice in your glass.  The glass I used is a bit larger then the glass in my book, so I ended up doubling my ice so that it would look fuller.  I think next time I will use the same glass, but just make it a double (doubling  the vodka and juices) and use 7 or 8 crushed ice cubes instead of doubling the ice completely.  Next you add your vodka, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice to the glass.  Last you stir your cocktail with a bar spoon, chop stick or stir stick inside the glass and enjoy!

             Here's a photo of the ingredients:    

 Here's a photo of the end result:

Hope you have a Sea Breeze kind of evening!

The Cocktail Lady

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Black Russian

Day 4

Tonight's Cocktail : Black Russian
3 shots out of 5

In an attempt to find a cocktail that was not the same color as my last 3, I stumbled upon the Black Russian.  This IS a 2-ingredient cocktail, BUT it's not the same 2 that I always go for, so that's a good thing.  This is a cocktail that I've totally heard of, but never knew exactly what was in it.  It's a simple drink really, quick and easy to make.  I do have to admit though.......forgetting how thick in flavor Kahlúa is, I honestly thought because of the amounts of each ingredient you put in that it would have more of a strong alcohol taste to it.  I was pleasantly surprised that it really didn't.

For me, a Black Russian is a cocktail that I could really only drink one of.  Not that it's super strong and I'd be on the floor if I was to make another one, its just not a refreshing enough drink to want more then one for me.  It's a cocktail that leaves its taste in your mouth and that's fine for a little while, but then I feel like I just want to go brush my teeth and tongue to get rid of the flavor.  Not that it's a bad flavor, its just that certain flavors should only linger for so long.

Here's the recipe to make a Black Russian:

  • 3 cracked ice cubes
  • 2 shots of vodka
  • 1 shot of Kahlúa

Basically you take 3 ice cubes, put them in a Ziploc and break them up a little with a mallet or something hard enough to get the job done.  Next you put your ice into a short glass.  Pour in your vodka and Kahlúa and stir. That's it.  Simple enough.

                           Here is a photo of my ingredients:                               Here is a photo of my end product:

Tomorrow I definitely need to go shopping!  I am finding quite a few cocktails with Blue Curaçao, other flavored liqueurs, Cherry Brandy, bitters and other alcohols and mixes I can't think of right now.  I guess my rum, vodka, orange juice and pineapple juice can only get me so far into my 365 days......unless I want all of my drinks to look oddly the same color.

The Cocktail Lady

Buck's Fizz

Day 3

(2 shots out of 5)

If you haven't noticed, I just officially changed my rating system from stars to shots!  A friend of mine gave me the idea last night and I thought it was brilliant!  Day 3's drink is Buck's Fizz, which is a three ingredient cocktail.....hey, at least it's not a 2-ingredient one!.  I was hosting a Party Lite party and decided to open up the bottles of champagne we "still" had from New Years (we're not big champagne drinkers, can you tell) and make something with them for the ladies to sip on.  

My non-champagne liking friends (like me) thought this drink was...aahhh, ok.....for a the few sips that fit into those plastic champagne glasses that you have to put together yourself before putting anything into them.  The ladies that did like champagne enjoyed their Buck's Fizz.  

I personally found that I was bribing myself (like I have to do with the kids sometimes) to finish my Buck's Fizz, saying that when it's done, I can make myself something else that I will really like.  So I took the bait, finished the Buck's Fizz and moved onto my Husbands Hurricane!  Speaking of my husband, as he's looking at my computer monitor he makes the observation that so far all of the 3 drinks that I've made, are more or less the same color!  Now I'll need to get to the store and buy some of those different flavored liqueurs that are green and blue and what not.

Here's the recipe for Buck's Fizz:

  • 1 shot of orange juice
  • 1 dash of grenadine
  • 2 shots of chilled champagne

You can make this drink in a champagne flute or a wine glass, whichever you prefer.  First pour the shot of orange juice in the glass, then the dash of grenadine.  Next stir the two ingredients together.  Finally pour in the two shots of champagne and enjoy.  Or not, haha.

In one of the photos below you can see the amount this makes in a champagne flute.  If you put it into one of those plastic champagne glasses (the non-flute style) it will fill the glass completely.

Here is a photo of the ingredients:                                      Here is a photo of the end result:

Cheers to Day 3!

The Cocktail Lady

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sex On The Beach

Day 2

(4 stars out of 5)

It's day 2 and I reinvented an old favorite of mine which I had actually completely forgotten about until tonight. The cocktail: Sex On The Beach!!  I had really forgotten how much I used to enjoy this cocktail.  It's super easy to make and YES it has more then 2 ingredients, go figure huh?  Up until a couple nights ago when I started this blog, I can't remember the last time I had an actual cocktail instead of a beer.  I have to say that I am very glad I took on this 365 day challenge, because I am really enjoying these mixed drinks.  Don't get me wrong, I sure do enjoy a nice cold beer......especially with baseball season right around the corner, but I have to admit that I am thoroughly getting a kick out of making these cocktails.

Tonight's drink I gave 4 stars out of 5.  I absolutely enjoyed this drink, but there's something about Husbands Hurricane that I like a little bit more.  Both drinks I would absolutely order at a bar hands down......just....not at the same time, don't want to give off the wrong impression.

Here are the ingredients to make a Sex On The Beach:

  • 1 shot of Vodka
  • 1 shot of Peach Schnapps
  • 2 shots of Cranberry Juice
  • 2 shots of Orange Juice
  • 2 shots of Pineapple Juice
  • 6 ice cubes (yes 6 of them once again)

Put all of the ingredients into your shaker and either shake it up or stir it up really good.  You always want to get these drinks as cold as you can which is accomplished by creating them inside your shaker.  Once you start shaking or stirring, it makes the shaker itself get cold where your drink is and that's what helps get your cocktail cold faster!

After all of that shaking and stirring is done, you can pour it into a glass like the one below, or 2 shorter glasses.  This is a MUST try, especially is you enjoyed Husbands Hurricane!  

     Here is a photo of the ingredients I used:                    Here is a photo of my end product:

Happy mixing!

The Cocktail Lady

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Husbands Hurricane

Day 1

(5 stars out of 5)

Day One of my Year of Cocktails and I didn't have to search far to find my first cocktail recipe.  My husband has his own version of a Hurricane that I MUST say is absolutely awesome!  Now my husband isn't one for "measuring" anything, he just adds and pours and announces how much he's put in.  Me on the other hand, I have my measuring cups, spoons and shot glasses with me and ready to use so that I know exactly how much of each item I'm adding in.

Tonight's drink I give 5 stars out of 5!  This is absolutely an
 amazing drink.  There are quite a few different ingredients to make it......maybe all of the different ingredients is why I've never ventured away from my "vodka cran" and "rum & coke" 2-ingredient cocktails when I'm making a drink?  I think too many ingredients used to scare me, but not anymore!  I'm a cocktail adventurer now!  Bring on the multiple ingredients.

OK, so here's the recipe for "Husbands Hurricane Cocktail":

We made this drink in a cocktail shaker.  You can make it in your glass if you like, but it's less messy in a shaker, especially if you choose to vigorously stir it instead of shaking it in the shaker.

In your shaker put:

·                     6 ice cubes (see I told you I like to measure and know exactly what I'm adding into my cocktails)
·                     1/2 of a shot of Myers's Rum-original dark  (yes it's supposed to have the s's in Myers's....I had to double check)
·                     1 shot of Malibu Caribbean Rum with coconut liqueur
·                     1/2 of a shot of Bacardi Rum (the clear one)
·                     1tsp of Lime Juice
·                     1tsp of Cointreau
·                     2 shots of Pineapple Juice 
·                     2 shots of Orange Juice (you can use the kind and pulpiness you like, mine has to be Pulp Free)
·                     1 Tbs of Bar Syrup (which is the same thing as Simple Syrup)
Now you can either put your shaker top on it and give it a real good shaking, or you can stick a stir stick in it and give it a good vigorous stirring.  You can either pour it all into a glass like the one below, or choose to share and pour it into 2 shorter glasses.  Lastly pour a little swirl of Grenadine into your cocktail for a cool effect.  That's it, now you get to enjoy the awesomeness that is "Husbands Hurricane".

This is definitely going to be one of my new regular drinks to that I know how!  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

   Here is a photo of the ingredients I used:                                          Here is a photo of the end product:


The Cocktail Lady