Root Beer Float
5 shots out of 5
This totally tastes like a root beer float! I really really like this one! A friend of mine used to make something like this, but I don't think she used the flavor of vodka I used or measured it the way I did. I guess that means that I'm going to have to make this cocktail for her next time she comes over, right?
I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5. This tastes just like it's name. Thanks to Sandi (once again! She's got some good cocktail recipes) she gave me the recipe for this one and the idea of a little bit of whipped cream swirled in it, for that extra yum flavor! It tasted good before I swirled in the whipped cream, but I have to say that the whipped cream added to its yummyness and I definitely recommend using it!
Here is the recipe for a Root Beer Float:
- 1 shot whipped cream vodka
- 2 shots root beer
- whipped cream
In a shaker add ice, vodka & root beer. Shake it up well and strain it into a tall skinny glass, or a martini glass. Add a good squirt of whipped cream on top and give it a quick stir. Sip and enjoy!!
Here is a photo of the end result:
Here is a photo of the ingredients:
Cheers to you Sandi and Root Beer Floats! You were right, this cocktail is good!!
The Cocktail Lady
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